700K Subscribers & 100M Views.

ROLE 3D Artist / Video Editor / Content Strategist

TIMELINE 2017-2021

LEARNING 3D Modeling, Video Editing, UI Design & Content Strategy

TOOLS Blender, Unreal Engine, Photoshop, Premier Pro

Tech Key is a YouTube channel I created as a side hobby during my 10th grade. What began as a casual interest quickly evolved into a deep passion. I dedicated countless hours to mastering skills from scratch, focusing on creating 3D conceptual videos of upcoming smartphones. This endeavor honed my abilities in 3D modeling and rendering and enhanced my skills in video editing and more.
  • Learning "how to learn" and develop skills.

  • Overcame the challenge of navigating an unclear path by teaching myself.

  • Got to know the importance of the execution of an idea.

  • Discovered that applying logical reasoning fosters significantly better results.

  • Projects that provide growth opportunities, can bring the best out of a person.

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